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The protection of people and property as a goal
Labor Strauss (LST) meets the challenge of fire protection in historic and modern cultural institutions and has special solutions for that in the…
Europe's leading manufacturer of fire detection and extinguishing systems and specialist for emergency lighting continues to make investments and,…
The smoke detector FL5100-600 from Apollo's „SOTERIA® Dimension“ model range combines innovation, functionality and design, and thanks to the flush…
Critical areas of buildings must be specially protected in every respect – the Labor Strauss Group is the competent and innovative partner for danger…
The certification of the Smoke Switch RS70 by the Deutsche Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt) once again underscores the quality and reliability of the…
Partners from three continents came to Rust, Burgenland, to attend the 9th international partner meeting of the Austrian Labor Strauss Group. The…
For more than 50 years, Labor Strauss Sicherungsanlagenbau GmbH with headquarters in Vienna has been successful with its innovative fire detection…
Since April, the Labor Strauss Group, a leading European manufacturer of building security and fire alarm technology, cooperates with the…
Marketing Manager
Tel.: +43 1 521
Wiegelestraße 36 1230 Vienna, Austria